Secret London: Fitzrovia
Little Known Facts about Fitzrovia

The Newman Arms, features in George Orwell's novels Nineteen Eighty-Four and Keep the Aspidistra Flying. It also appears in the Michael Powell film Peeping Tom.
Bernard Shaw and Virginia Woolf lived (at different times) in the same house at 29 Fitzroy Square.
The UFO Club, home to Pink Floyd during their spell as the house band of psychedelic London, was held in the basement of 31 Tottenham Court Road on the eastern border of Fitzrovia. Pink Floyd and Jimi Hendrix also played at the Speakeasy on Margaret Street and Bob Dylan made his London debut at the King & Queen pub on Foley Street.
The band Coldplay formed in Ramsay Hall, a University College London accommodation on Maple Street in Fitzrovia.
Despite the BT Tower being one of most recognisable and conspicuous buildings in London, it was classed as an 'official secret' until fairly recently, and taking or possessing photos of the tower was technically an offence under the Official Secrets Act!
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