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Little Known Facts about Clapham

  • Clapham has had a number of famous people live here, including: Natasha Bedingfield, Ainsley Harriott, Piers Morgan, JK Rowling, Vivienne Westwood and Samuel Pepys.

  • Clapham Junction Station is said to be the busiest train station in Europe, with over 2,000 trains passing through it every day.

  • Clapham Rovers Football Club take their place in English football history - they won the FA Cup all the way back in 1880.

  • Captain Cook's widow Elizabeth lived in Clapham from 1788 to 1835.

  • Clapham Junction is the name of a prehistoric site on Malta, which still is a source of mystique and power to the Maltese. It is reported that the name was given to it by an English explorer who said the marks on the rocks reminded him of the busy London station.

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