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Covent Garden Piazza

Book a hotel near Covent Garden Piazza

Covent Garden Piazza: See the opera and street performers, and shop, dine or dance until dawn

Covent Garden Piazza is a popular shopping district for locals and tourists alike. There are two main market areas, the large Jubilee Market and stalls within the piazza itself. Here, independent stallholders sell anything from trinkets to jewellery and artwork, while the main shops range from boutique fashion houses to quirky toy shops and high street stores. You can also find traditional pubs and restaurants within the piazza, including some that have a first-floor balcony overlooking the square. On the ground floor, meanwhile, the piazza has a number of continental-style cafes where you can sit outside and soak up the atmosphere and even enjoy the street performers. Covent Garden is known for its street performers, from living statues to amateur magicians and professional musicians. Just a five-minute walk from Covent Garden is Leicester Square and Piccadilly Circus, where London's nightlife comes alive. There is also plenty of night-time entertainment to try out in Covent Garden, including West End theatres, nightclubs and not to mention the famous Royal Opera House.

Hotels near Covent Garden Piazza

Located in the heart of Central London, there are plenty of cheap London hotels to choose from, just walking distance from Covent Garden Piazza. Indeed, the luxurious four-star Shaftesbury Piccadilly Hotel is just moments from the area, allowing you to fall into bed after a great night out. Other hotels near Covent Garden Piazza include the Staunton Hotel London, also offering great-value four-star accommodation. also has a selection of London hostels in Covent Garden and London B&Bs in Bloomsbury. For example, you can try the Astor Museum Inn, a London hostel opposite the British Museum, which is minutes from Covent Garden in Bloomsbury. Or, budget travellers can stay at LSE's High Holborn Apartment for the chance to stay in a private flat. With different types of London accommodation available in the area, make sure you book your stay with

Covent Garden Piazza Address

Covent Garden Piazza
Covent Garden

Map of Covent Garden Piazza, London

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London Transport to Covent Garden Piazza
Nearest Tube: Temple
Tube Lines: Circle and District Lines

Top selling hotels near Covent Garden Piazza Last updated: 20 Jun 20
Book to stay near Covent Garden Piazza from only £15.00 per person

More hotels near Covent Garden Piazza

Last updated: 20 Jun 20
Hotel Name Star Rating Distance customer rating Price per person
per night
Guilford Hotel 2 Hotel 0.9 0.9 Miles
Grenville Hotel 2 Hotel 0.9 0.9 Miles
Clink261 1 Hostel 1.2 1.2 Miles
London Waterloo Hostel 2 Accommodation 1.2 1.2 Miles
Generator London 3 Accommodation 1.2 1.2 Miles
Arriva Hotel 2 Hotel 1.2 1.2 Miles
House of Toby Hotel 3 Hotel 1.2 1.2 Miles
Swinton Hotel 2 Hotel 1.2 1.2 Miles
Jesmond Dene Hotel 3 B&B 1.3 1.3 Miles
Elmwood Hotel 2 B&B 1.3 1.3 Miles
Princess Hotel 3 B&B 1.3 1.3 Miles
Kings Cross Hotel London 2 B&B 1.3 1.3 Miles
Albion House Hotel 3 Accommodation 1.3 1.3 Miles
Wardonia Hotel 2 Hotel 1.3 1.3 Miles
So Kings Cross 3 Hotel 1.3 1.3 Miles
The Bridge Hotel 3 Hotel 1.3 1.3 Miles
Melville Hotel 3 B&B 1.3 1.3 Miles
European Hotel 2 B&B 1.3 1.3 Miles
Kings Cross Inn Hotel 3 Hotel 1.4 1.4 Miles
Carlton Hotel London 2 B&B 1.4 1.4 Miles
Excelsior Hotel 2 Hotel 1.4 1.4 Miles
Central Hotel London 2 B&B 1.4 1.4 Miles
Belgrove Hotel 2 B&B 1.4 1.4 Miles
Crestfield Hotel 2 Hotel 1.4 1.4 Miles
Fairway Hotel London 3 B&B 1.4 1.4 Miles
George Hotel Bloomsbury 3 Hotel 1.4 1.4 Miles
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